Permanent Resident Emily's New Blog Hello! My name is Emily and I am a 10 year old crossbreed. A little bit about me first of all – I am the only permanent resident here at the Hope rescue centre. I found my way to Hope Rescue a number of years ago after a very difficult start in life. I know the team here love me very much and have worked hard to try to find me a suitable home. However each time I haven’t been able to settle – I like my routine, find life in a home a bit of challenge and I find it very hard to trust strangers – so I have come back to the centre. I really like it here and it is where I am happiest so this is where I will stay! Recently I have moved into a double sized kennel where I have lots of space and my own sofa. Thanks to the kindness of our supporters, I also have my own outside paddock which has a special sandpit and lots of enrichment. I also have a wonderful small team of volunteers who take me on day trips. I have some health problems including a soft tissue sarcoma but the staff monitor me closely and make sure I am comfortable and happy. The staff usually call me Queen Em (as that is what I am!) and my favourite things are tasty treats, beach trips and soft squeaky toys. I am excited to start this blog where I will be bringing you all the news from the centre this month as well as updates on me of course! It has been another busy month at the Rescue Centre. The staff took extra care to keep all of us safe in the very hot weather. We had our own cool mats, early morning and evening walks so we avoided the hottest part of the day and paddling pools in all the paddocks. I am quite a water baby so I was more than happy to have a little dip! After all the warm weather it was a shock when we had a flash flood in mid August! Water poured into my run area and onto my lovely beds and sofa but the staff were really quick in moving me and my friends to a safe area and gave me a tasty chew to keep my mind off things whilst they cleaned up. It was incredibly touching to see the response from our amazing supporters. It meant everything which was damaged has been quickly replaced and me and all my friends have some lovely new bedding, toys and treats! I think it made my carers quite emotional to see how much people cared. There was some sad news here this month too. Late in July I saw a little Border Terrier arrive after being found straying, she was very matted and covered in fleas and ticks. The staff said she also wasn’t very well – she had tumours, ear and eyes infections and severe dental disease. They named her Meredith and worked with the vet to do everything they could for her, but she was too poorly to have a good quality of life and had to be put to sleep. I know the staff were very sad as they said she was such a lovely old girl, but I know at least she will have had some comfort and been loved during her short time here. We also lost three of our palliative paws dogs this month. The scheme is for dogs with life limiting conditions who may not be able to be rehomed but can be cared for in a loving fostering home with Hope Rescue supporting with vet bills and other costs. Bindi, Peyton and Florence were very much adored by their foster families in their time with them. How wonderful we have such amazing foster homes who open their homes and hearts to dogs who need it the most! I saw 22 dogs come into Hope Rescue’s care this month. Some can be very scared when they arrive but I know it won’t be long until they are feeling much better as the staff make sure they get the best possible care. There are 149 dogs currently being cared for by Hope Rescue, 77 at the centre (me included!) and 72 in foster. Some aren’t quite ready for their new homes yet but those that are you can see on our website The good news is that 23 dogs found their forever homes in August! This included Lilac and Indigo the cavalier puppies. I used to love playing with puppies in my younger years but now I’m an older lady, I prefer to keep more mature company! Another highlight of my month was a lovely trip down to the beach with two of my favourite volunteers Naomi and Cath and Cath’s dog Ben (who was adopted from Hope Rescue!). I’m not a big fan of people I don’t know but I have a dedicated group of volunteers (my inner circle!) who take me on day trips. Cath always brings me a sausage or two when she comes up to the centre on a Sunday and I share a Mcdonalds breakfast with one of the staff members on a Saturday. I do try to watch my weight to help my arthritis, but everyone needs a special treat now and then!