You may remember Freya and Fletcher, two 8-year-old Shar Pei’s who arrived in our care recently as strays. Both were in appalling condition, suffering with tumours, skin and ear infections and serious untreated eye problems.

It’s not hard to see from the pictures just how broken both Freya and Fletcher were that day. They were clearly in pain and frightened.

Freya has such severe entropion (a condition where the eyelid rolls inward causing the eyelashes and surrounding hair to rub against the eye) the poor girl couldn't see anything. We believe she may be blind. It’s also clear she’s been bred from multiple times.

Fletcher also has a horrendous skin infection and severe entropion. Like Freya, he will need surgery on his eyes. He also has a mass near his penis, which will need surgical investigation to determine its histology. When a dog comes in as a stray, sadly we don’t know their history so at this stage we do not know if the mass is cancerous.

We are treating both Freya and Fletcher for the infections spanning their skin, ears and eyes, but right now they’re both at the start of a very long journey to recovery. They are slowly showing us their personalities, which is heart-warming to see. Initially they slept a lot and wouldn't approach us, so improvements are slowly beginning to show.

As always, we will do all we can to continue helping these lovely friends, showing them love and attention and helping them to feel safe and comfortable. Can you help us continue do that? We’re looking at high costs to support Freya and Fletcher so any donation you can give would be invaluable.

You can donate directly on Facebook or Instagram, online, by calling 01443 226659 (Mon-Fri 9am-5pm) or text HOPE RESCUE followed by your donation to 70085. Text cost your donation plus one standard network rate message and you’ll be opting in to hear more from us. Text HOPERESCUENOINFO to donate but opt out.

The cost-of-living crisis has hit so many people hard this year and we respect that so a huge thank you for your ongoing support, from our team and all the Hope dogs.