Torture breeding is alive and kicking in Wales! 

Behind the scenes, the last few weeks we have been struggling with so many bully breeds coming into our care with deformities caused by poor breeding, quite literally “torture breeding”. We are angry, possibly angrier than we have ever been before! 

The definition of torture breeding is “breeding in the full knowledge that the dog is likely to suffer”. This is exactly what is happening right now for bully breeds and the public need to wake up and see the suffering these dogs are going through. The breeders are only breeding what the public demand and these “torture” breeders are easy to identify with fancy “kennel” names and the focus being on pretty colours and exaggerated features such as nose ropes, skin folds and muscle.

Not all of the dogs and puppies we have taken in have survived and we’ve had to make some incredibly hard decisions for their welfare. Decisions that have absolutely ripped out our hearts. Over the next few days we will be sharing some of their stories.

Enough is enough, and demand for these dogs with exaggerated features has to stop. We also need Welsh Government to recognise the huge problem with unlicensed breeders and ensure ALL breeding is regulated and that torture breeding is prohibited through fitness to breed requirements.


Theodore is a 6-month-old English Bulldog who was recently surrendered into our care when his owner could no longer care for him. We noticed immediately that Theodore was bleeding from his genitals and had an abnormal stance. He also seemed uncomfortable on his front legs. We rushed him straight to the vets who found he had a urethral prolapse which needed urgent surgical correction as the tissue was at risk of becoming necrotic. Whilst under anaesthetic his front legs and hips were x-rayed. Sadly, these showed severe issues with Theodore's conformation. He has an old fracture of his radius, likely due to his conformation, which hadn't healed properly. The radius and ulna are both extremely bowed in both front legs and show signs of osteoarthritis already at such a young age.

He also has mild hip dysplasia in one of his hips. Sadly, there are no curative surgical options to help Theodore due to the severity of his issues. Theodore is going to have a limited life span, but as he is such a happy chap we made the decision for him to be added to our palliative care foster scheme. This means he will live out his days in a loving foster home for as long as he has a good quality of life, and his discomfort can be controlled with medication.

There is also a financial impact picking up the pieces from these breeders. Tests, investigations, pain relief and surgeries. It’s really tough right now, but if you could help with a kind donation we would be really grateful.