We know many of our supporters have been following the story of Rowan – a gorgeous young Lurcher who had been straying in Llanharan for over a week before he was able to be caught and sadly has sustained a number of serious wounds.

Two of these wounds were too large to be stitched so Rowan has needed quite intensive care to help them start to heal. He’s now been in the vets for a week and we expect him to remain there until at least the weekend.

Rowan has been having regular wound cleaning and bandage changes, mostly done under sedation as he is still very scared at times.

Some healthy tissue is starting to form and his wounds are granulating. His next bandage change is on Thursday where the vet will then decide whether the wound is ready to be surgically closed.

The last 10 days have understandably been a huge challenge for Rowan but thanks to the amazing care he has received at the vets he is making big steps forward. They are learning about the parts of his body he is more comfortable to have touched and he has started barking when he is ready for his food or a gentle potter.

We can’t wait until he is ready to be discharged and we can begin the next part of his journey at the centre, starting to build his relationships with people and other dogs again.

We anticipate Rowan’s care will exceed more than £1,000, so we’d appreciate any support you might be able to give in helping poor Rowan get back to full health and strength. You can donate directly on Facebook, via the link below, by calling 01443 226659 (Mon-Fri 9am-5pm) or text HOPERESCUE followed by your donation to 70085. Texts cost your donation plus one standard network rate and you’ll be opting in to hear more from us. Text HOPERESCUENOINFO to donate but not receive any information from us.


Thank you so much from Rowan and all the wonderful, brave dogs in our care.