Following internal policy reviews on the welfare of racing greyhounds, we are delighted Dogs Trust, RSPCA and Blue Cross have changed their policy and are now calling for a phased end to greyhound racing “to put a stop to the unnecessary and completely preventable deaths of hundreds of dogs every year.". 

These organisations have worked with the racing industry over many years to improve greyhound welfare but have concluded that there are still significant welfare issues for racing greyhounds that will not be resolved with the current approach to regulation and funding.

Hope Rescue has always been anti-racing, but through our Amazing Greys project we still worked with the industry to ensure the welfare of racing greyhounds in Wales. However, due to ongoing welfare concerns we launched a campaign and petition to ban greyhound racing in Wales in September 2021 and are currently waiting for the Senedd Petitions Committee report following a call for evidence.

We were pleased to also provide evidence to the above animal welfare organisations as part of their independent review. This included the data collected during our Amazing Greys project, evidencing the number of injuries and deaths at Valleys track.  With plans to intensify greyhound racing in Wales and create a Greyhound Board of Great Britain commercial track at Valleys, we look forward to working with Dogs Trust, RSPCA and Blue Cross alongside other organisations including our friends at Greyhound Rescue Wales to bring an end to greyhound racing in Wales.

We hope Welsh Government will take note of this policy change, and work towards a Wales without greyhound racing and the needless injuries and deaths. Dogs like Sienna, who broke her leg at Valleys, are depending on it. 

RSPCA Announcement