Coronavirus update Normal operations at the rescue centre are continuing at present with heightened bio-security and we are asking all staff, volunteers and visitors to follow the advice and public notices that are displayed at the centre. We are constantly reviewing the situation and following the latest Government advice. It is extremely important that all visitors use the alcohol surgical hand rubs provided and when washing hands, you follow the relevant Government advice. We are implementing additional contingency measures in respect of our boarding dogs. 1. We require all local emergency contact details to be updated. Please ring the centre on 01443 226659. 2. We also require signed confirmation from a local resident (18 years+) that in case of emergency they will be prepared to house & care for your dog(s) if: - you are delayed or unable to return to your home as scheduled- we are forced to close the rescue centre due to a change in local conditions 3. If you are returning from a country that the Government has stated requires self-isolation on your return, please DO NOT come to kennels yourself to collect your dog(s). You must make arrangements to have your dogs collected by a friend/family member providing you have not come into contact with them. Please advise us of the relevant arrangements. We will be cpntacting all boarding customers booked for the next 3 months initially to advise them of the above arrangements. We apologise for any inconvenience this might cause, but we’re sure you will understand the reasons why.