Support us Fundraise Fundraise for Hope There are so many ways that you can support Hope Rescue dogs at home, work, school, on your own, or with friends. Organising a fundraising event or activity will make a big difference for Hope Rescue dogs. The best way to get started is to think about your interests and hobbies, and start from there. However you choose to get involved in raising funds for the dogs in our care, our fundraising pack is full of useful information, tips and advice to help you raise as much as possible. You can request a fundraising pack and tell us what you have got planned Request a pack (opens in new window) Buisnesses can support us by becoming a Hope Rescue partner. Hope Rescue partners If you know that you want to help but are stuck for ideas then our team can help you with creative, clever and crazy fundraising ideas. If you are planning an event you may choose to set up an online giving page, which is a great way to tell all of your friends and family that you are raising funds for your favourite cause. Setting up a page is quick and easy, you can personalise it and keep it up to date as you go. The money raised is transferred directly to us, which means we can help dogs who need us, straight away. Tap the button below to get started. Start fundraising Once you have planned your fundraising event, set up your giving page and have your pack, it’s time to tell the world. The more people who know about what you’re up to, the more money you’ll raise. If you need help then please get in touch [email protected] or ring our rescue centre on 01443 226 659 Fancy more of a physical fundraiser? Head to our Challenge page to check out our latest events