Our animal rescue sector has some of the most experienced, dedicated, and compassionate people. It’s also non-stop, high pressure, and incredibly busy, which can make it difficult to find the time and space to share ideas and celebrate success.

A few members of the Hope Rescue team found a small window of opportunity to visit two of our amazing sector partners this week, to talk about all things community.

Leicester Animal Aid

We received a very warm welcome at Leicester Animal Aid, who have been operating since 1956, and the sun was also there to greet us.

Our team toured the facilities and heard more about their work, including the Community Pet Support Scheme.

With our community programme moving to a pilot phase shortly, this was the perfect time to hear the experiences of others in our sector.

Woodgreen Pets Charity

Our next stop was Woodgreen Pets Charity in Cambridgeshire, that many of our supporters will recognise from the Channel 4 programme ‘The Dog House’.

We heard about their Community Outreach programme, and were able to view their specialist veterinary facilities.

Being able to spend time with charity partners is invaluable, enabling us to learn from their work and to share our own experiences. Thank you to everyone at Leicester Animal Aid and to the team at Woodgreen for making us feel so welcome.

Battersea Dogs and Cats Home

Some of our welfare team members were also working collaboratively this week with a visit to Battersea. This is a long-standing partnership that provides support when our kennels are at capacity, helping more dogs to find their forever homes more quickly.

By working in partnership, we can achieve so much more for the dogs and their owners in our local communities.

We’re stronger together.
