Waffles is a 5 year old labrador who lives life to the full! Waffles is an ex breeding bitch and has never had the opportunity to live in a home before as a much loved companion. 

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5 Years old

The perfect home

She may need some extra support to adjust to home life but in general Waffles is a happy go lucky character who makes the best out of every situation! 

Waffles is overweight and new owners will need to keep up her exercise and feeding regime without her going hungry as snacks as Waffles favourite thing in the whole world!

She gets on well with other dogs but she isn't always aware of personal space. She will need to live with another dog as this is what she has been used to and it helps her confidence but it will need to be a dog who is well adjusted and the dogs split for feeding as otherwise Waffles will happily enjoy her own and everyone else's meal!

 Waffles loves people and is always exuberant and excited to see you, even if you have only been gone for a minute. She has an infectious personality, like the class clown! Waffles can live with children 12+ who are used to bigger dogs.

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