Cardiff's Official Paranormal Society (COPS) are holding their quarterly meeting at the Heritage Park Hotel, which is the location of their most successful investigation. About to hit the big time with a TV show on the horizon, the leader of the society is found dead.
What secrets are the members hiding?
Who would want him dead?
And can the dead help solve their own murder?

If you think you can help solve this crime then come and join the Hope Rescue team on Wednesday 30th October at the Heritage Park Hotel, Pontypridd. This is an immersive evening where you can question the suspects and identify the clues to find the culprit.

As the crime unfolds around you, you will be treated to a 2 course meal, which is a delicious Parma ham wrapped chicken breast with dauphinoise potatoes, seasonal vegetables & a mushroom and bacon cream sauce for your main, and a death by chocolate with custard dessert (vegan option available upon request). 

Finally, there will be a raffle and games on the evening and as it's the day before Halloween, costumes and fancy dress are encouraged but not essential.

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Murder Mystery Night

Decrease Increase £35.00